San Francisco

How To Forgive a Cheating Partner... According To Science

How to forgive a cheating partner…

according to science

The pain of heartbreak coupled with a partner’s dishonesty is devastating. Most couples build trust over so many dates over so many months and all of this can crumble in moments in the wake of cheating. If your partner has been unfaithful, it can feel impossible to forgive and rebuild the relationship, but there is hope. I have seen many couples work through broken trust and come back together even stronger.

So, how is it possible to forgive a cheating partner? Firstly, you’ll need to understand why your partner cheated in the first place. According to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, the top reasons people strayed from their partners included feeling generally dissatisfied with their partner, dealing with boredom in the bedroom or struggling to connect emotionally. Pinpointing where your relationship struggles the most will help you know where to focus your attention as you rebuild. 

Getting back on track is also going to require a lot of open, honest communication. Discussing what went wrong and how to get back on track are heavy, difficult conversations, but getting vulnerable with each other can help you build empathy for your unfaithful partner. Remember, empathizing with your partner does not excuse their behavior, but it is a way to make it easier to understand and eventually forgive their behavior. 

In addition to the open communication, setting boundaries helped partners rebuild shattered trust even faster. According to a study published in the Journal of Sex Research, couples who established boundaries and expectations after cheating were more likely to stay together and report greater relationship satisfaction. This could be like “rules” around messaging on social media, sharing locations or checking in at the end of the night. It may not sound romantic, but oversharing demonstrates a commitment to transparency. 

Finally, I can’t recommend couples therapy enough. Talking through what happened and opening up about the path forward can be much easier with professional support. Therapists can help mediate conversations that escalate and also help both of you communicate through those underlying issues that put so much stress on the relationship to begin with. Additionally, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, couples who went to therapy after infidelity were more likely to be satisfied with their relationship and more likely to forgive compared to couples who tried to repair their relationships without professional help.

At the end of the day, forgiving your partner doesn't mean forgetting what happened. Forgiving is a way to free yourself from the pain and anger caused by the partner. Deciding to rebuild a relationship with someone who broke your trust is an arduous process, but if your partner is worth it, he or she will work with you (hopefully with a therapist!) to communicate openly, establish and stick to boundaries, and reassure you—through words and actions—that it was a one-time mistake. 

Affectionately yours,


How To Keep The Spark Alive In a Relationship

UpJourney’s Article Written by The Editors, How to Keep the Spark Alive in a Relationship (60+ Exciting Ways) features contributions from Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating (Visit UpJourney to view the full article)

A relationship can start in a whirlwind of excitement and euphoria but suddenly fade without a single spark left behind. 

It can be challenging to always feel the spark between you and your partner, especially if you have been together a long time and have yet to place effort into rekindling that spark. It is a cohesive effort from both partners to bring back or maintain that fiery connection you felt and drew you together initially. 

Here are my three tips to rekindle that spark with your partner:

  • Discuss what drew you together initially

  • Prioritize communication

  • Do something playful

Talk about what drew you together initially over a romantic dinner date

When wanting to reignite that spark, it’s essential to slow down and bring back focus to romance. Share one and others’ company over a romantic dinner date curated to highlight shared feelings of love and connection you built your relationship on.

Prioritize communication through a shared activity 

Getting that spark back in a relationship takes consistent effort; it does not happen “eventually.” It mandates direct communication between partners. 

Spend quality time with your partner doing something it does not need to be extravagant or some unwanted task, do an activity together, kayak or go hiking, or do something as simple as a walk around the block. Create an environment to communicate openly by sharing a joint activity.

Do something playful to nurture your inner child

Be carefree and have a relaxed headspace where you’re not thinking so hard. Do something playful or goofy, like a theme or amusement park, trampoline park, paint, or ceramic classes. 

Nurture your inner child together! If you want things to be exciting again in your relationship, then get excited about something together.

Linx Dating Client Testimonials

Linx Dating is approaching our 20th year in the business of being Cupid. We connect clients each and every day with prospective partners based on similar values, passions, and interests - the Linx method to matchmaking continues to result in countless relationships and marriages. We take pride in sharing what our clients have to say about Linx and why Amy Andersen’s approach to matchmaking elevates the industry to a whole new level. Read on to hear what our clients have to say about Linx and the process!

A 50-something Male located in San Carlos, CA

“Amy is great. Terrific listener with superb insights. Good at offering advice and knowing when just a little constructive coaching can make a big difference.  

She carefully selects folks for you to meet and they are uniformly impressive (even if not always a romantic match).  You will not have the situation we have all had with apps when you know in mere moments of meeting someone that the meeting is a waste of time.  Not with Amy.... each intro leads to time well spent chatting with somebody polished and interesting.  

Clearly this is not a volume-based business for Amy. She is hands-on and there appears to be no delegation... not even an admin to field routine emails.  But she is still responsive.  She takes her time and thinks things through personally.  

Amy is the total opposite of apps and the endless waste of time they represent. Not cheap, but you get what you pay for.”

A 40-something Male located in Mountain View, CA 

“There are so many matchmakers out there.  I know as many of them to reach out to me and want me to be part of their network, etc.  The pitch is generally the same, the execution is the same, etc, etc.  Some of these services work in volume (think Tawkify) and others are truly bespoke.  Most are really there to sell a dream to people as priority one and deliver results as priority two.  

Amy is different.  

Amy has a large barrier to work with her (which is a good thing).  This barrier is a very exhaustive questionnaire, an in-person interview, continued follow-up on status, and taking the entire process seriously.  This weeds out the lurkers and the individuals that do not take the service seriously.  It also weeds out those who don't know what they're looking for.  

While the terms of my agreement with Amy are confidential, I will tell you that Amy is worth every penny you invest in her services.  

She combines one of the most extensive networks of anyone I know, the uncanny ability to find the right match, and a sincere dedication to the art and science of top-level matchmaking.  

She is a master businesswoman and knows how to break down barriers to truly find the needles in a haystack.  She doesn't expect her clients to settle to match what she can find, she excels to find partners that match the expectations of her clients...and her clients are of the pickiest, most discerning, and high profile of the bunch.  She just delivers.  

Other matchmakers, in my experience, don't match the punctual follow-up and service that Amy provides.  While she works with many, she has made me, one of her clients, feel as though I am top priority.  I am able to communicate by text, phone, or email.  All of these are fine by Amy.  

In summary, if you want the best, don't waste your time with others, go to Amy.  I am writing this because I truly think she is of the few out there that goes above and beyond to be a true "cupid" and she succeeds because of the aforementioned.”

50-something Female located in Larkspur, CA

“Amy Andersen, founder of the Bay Area's premiere bespoke matchmaking venture Linx, is a true treasure in this potentially exploitative field. Her reputation is sterling, her intuition is spot-on, her network is extensive, and her success rate is unparalleled. Do your research and you will likely come to the same conclusion as I did: Linx is the go-to company for discreet high-end matchmaking services in Northern California.

Before I had the pleasure of meeting Amy IRL, I had several months of correspondence with her. From our very first exchange, Amy was incredibly warm, authentic and genuinely passionate about her desire to help people meet the love of their lives. Even after nearly 2 decades in this ultra-competitive business (longevity is extremely rare in this particular niche), she continues to have an incredible level of enthusiasm for her work. I was scheduled to meet with Amy for 90 minutes but we were having such fun in her little "secret garden" that nearly three hours flew by before we parted ways!! As nervous as I was for this all-important, vis-à-vis first meeting, I ended up having a delightful afternoon drinking herbal tea, sharing stories/life dreams, and of course, being girlie girls, plenty of giggles! Read the other reviews and the common element you'll see is that EVERYONE ADORES AMY!!! She is fully present and engaged in learning as much as she can about her clients... necessary intake info so she knows exactly which spell to cast! I'm convinced successful matchmaking is equal parts intuition, attention to detail,  and magic!!

But beyond the personality, Amy is the very definition of a consummate professional: she is meticulous in her vetting process, highly organized and prepared for all events/interactions, responsive not only to her high-end clientele but to anyone who inquires about her services. Even individuals who are not a good fit for her model are treated with dignity and are often directed to other resources/services that are better aligned with their needs. I know this personally from friends who have reached out to her over the years. Amy understands her ultimate success is not strictly defined by the number of clients in her data base, but in being benevolent to all who seek her expertise.

If you are reading this, most likely you are seeking a serious relationship. Remember the immortal words of David Viscott, ‘To love and to be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.’ If you are exhausted weeding through all of the dishonest posers online and are ready to invest in finding your life partner, Linx may very well be the service you need. You will at the very least become a fan of Amy Andersen, guaranteed.”

60-something Female located in Saratoga, CA

“This review is long overdue. I was searching for a personalized local matchmaker for a dear friend of mine. I found Linx and did an intro call with the founder Amy Andersen. She was wonderful, very personable, and made me feel comfortable from day one. I was very happy to introduce my single friend to Amy. Amy suggested meeting my friend for coffee a couple of times to ensure he was on board and making the right decision.

Since he signed up, I can tell you he's had an excellent experience. While the first few introductions did not lead to "the one", he is now in a happy, committed relationship with a smart and kind, beautiful lady who is good to him. Importantly, they have a lot of fun together!

The value add with Linx is that it provides a very personalized, professional approach for those who are either too private for dating apps and/or looking for someone spectacular.

Linx cherry picks its member ensuring everyone is commitment-minded and serious about finding true, authentic love. It's great for busy executives/business owners who lead full lives and aren't inclined to swipe all day to find the right match.

Although the service is not cheap, I am a believer that you get what you pay for.”

Matchmaker FAQs

By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating

As a professional Matchmaker, you regularly get questions that few other jobs would prompt. Since the nature of matchmaking involves closer relationships and an understanding of a client's EQ, the day-to-day for a matchmaker will often look different than a standard office job. To celebrate National Matchmaker Day (August 31st), I have outlined the most commonly asked questions I receive as a Matchmaker and CEO of Linx Dating.

1. Have you always set people up? 

I wasn’t one of those ones who was always setting people up but I have always loved people.  I saw a great opportunity and went for it. Frankly, when I saw the opportunity in front of me, I could not believe no one had done it before.

2. How did you get into the field? 

I saw a market opportunity (demand) that was consistent with my existing network (supply) and I built from there. I have also always been a people person so it was a natural fit to go into matchmaking as I work with an incredibly diverse group of clients. 

3. What’s the hardest thing about being a matchmaker? 

This is a very emotional business - so rewarding, at times, but also high pressure as people are depending on me. Someone who hasn’t been married and who wants a baby is a high pressure situation for me. This is also a service business which means that I can also get treated very poorly sometimes, which stinks. 

4. What’s a typical day look like for a matchmaker? 

I start my morning with a giant cup of hot coffee and make my son breakfast! After school drop off, I get on my email. If there are so many emails, it’s already stressing me out, it’s a good reason to go for a walk or a run. On my walks, I always catch up with clients. On my runs, I crank all sorts of music from Guns N Roses,  Dua Lipa, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Crash Test Dummies, Motley Crue, Chaka Khan, or Michael Jackson. Literally, my musical tastes are all across the board, LOL. I get home, prep a to go salad for the office, get ready. I always do myself up even if I am not meeting a client because when I put make-up on and wear something nice, I feel better no matter what. I head to the office, respond to emails ad then either do an in-person meeting with a client, or prospect, or meet on Zoom. I spend my afternoons working on match ideas for clients and often checking in with people in my database to see if they are presently single and good candidates for my clients. Come 5pm, I am heading home to prep dinner and spend quality time with my family. After my son is in bed, it’s work time again till 10pm or so. Normally I then take a bath to unwind, watch a show, and go to bed myself!

5. Do matchmakers use astrology? 

Not really….I certainly do not. It’s fun to talk about but we’d better be using more than that if we want any kind of competitive edge.

6. Are some matchmakers generational matchmakers? 

Sure. There are examples of this, just like there are in other family  businesses. It can be as informal as shared dinner table talk over many years, or as formal as a child taking over the family business.

7. Are there niche specialty matchmakers? 

Yep. It’s s function of market supply and demand.   A matchmaker is only as good as his or her network, and that could be a niche - geographic, religious, ethnic, age, or whatever. I’d say the most common two niches would be matchmaking, focusing on a particular faith or heritage. 

For instance, there are many matchmakers focusing solely on Jewish matches or matchmakers focusing solely on Indian matchmaking. I’ve been binging on Netflix’s Indian Matchmaker with “Sima from Mumbai.” 

8. What’s the craziest thing anyone has ever told you they want in a match? 

One of my former clients shared his musts include “all-natural body parts,” “love celebrating New Year’s Eve,” and “be okay with a shower with two heads on opposite walls.” On a sweeter note, he expected his dream girl to be “really close with at least one family member” (his own relationship with his two sisters is “one of my biggest areas of happiness,” he writes) and “be someone who constantly says ‘I believe in you’ to their children.” But she also has to “allow me to indulge in a luxury sports car filled with premium gasoline.” 

Speak Your Truth

By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating

Too many women are just plain too afraid to express what they want when dating.  Ask yourself why you keep accepting dates with someone if you don’t know if he wants many of the things that you you want out of life? 

Speak up sooner rather than later when you’re getting to know someone. Speak your truth and speak up about what your goals are. I am a very firm believer that the right man will observe, listen, absorb, and digest what you have to say.

Many women I match are matched to guys with pre-existing kids. They know this going in, and made it clear to me they want at least one of their own biological children. The men I match them to are well aware of this.

Even in this “controlled environment” of working with a matchmaker, it is still mission critical to put out there in real time what you want, what you need, and your goals! I tell women to speak up and share these goals in the early stages and weave this into conversation in the most feminine, delicate, and reasonable way, while still being strong and vocal about it.

I advise women to watch how their date responds. Look at his body language, eye contact, engagement, and certainly what comes out of his mouth next. Radar up and antenna fully paying attention. To a man’s credit, most men will share what they are capable of and not capable of in the early stages of dating. It is the female's responsibility to pay attention, listen and to calibrate accordingly.

Men are not mind readers! Give your date your goals and open the door. The right man will lean in and walk through. In being vocal, you will quickly begin to know who the right guys are from the wrong guys. NOTE: This does NOT always mean that the right man will be an obliging puppy dog barking a simple “woof” meaning yes to everything you might want. If there are some resistance points, I advise women to watch the man’s approach and if he is willing to keep an open mind and engage with you in figuring things out, just as he would be watching to see if you will do the same.

I like using one of my married couples as a great example of a strong confident woman having the talk early on with the man she was falling in love with. I strategized with the female client very early on like on date 3 to have the talk. While she thought I was nuts, I told her to trust me. On date 3, somewhere in the middle of the date that was going swimmingly well, she brought up wanting to have a family one day and frankly not waiting till hell froze over for it to happen. Her date admired her boldness and listened. He listened carefully but didn’t say much… but opened his eyes really wide like a deer in headlights.

She also was in her late 30’s and went on further to share that she would want a relatively short courtship and to get engaged, plan the wedding, and be pregnant not too long after. The deer in headlights phenomenal continued. She wasn’t sure what to make of it but at least he listened and soaked in all her confidence. For her, it felt great having that elephant in the room addressed.

The next day when she was at work, a courier delivered her a small gift to her office. Curiously, she opened it and it was a book. The book was about raising kids from different cultures. Considering they were from very different cultures it made sense. When she told me that he had sent this book to her, I said "OMG, this is man who really listened!" He might not have said anything but this is the right man for you… he is leaning in and listening. He’s respecting your personal goals and had you not spoken the truth, you both would not know if you share the same vision. This couple has been married a decade and are blessed with a beautiful child.

So on your next date, try speaking up and see if this strategy works for you too.