
No Detail Too Small: Digging Deep for the Perfect Match

By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating

The Linx Dating client experience goes far beyond merely signing up and looking through a set of headshots in a database. Our comprehensive matchmaking services include thorough screening, detailed vetting, and an in-depth understanding of each client's unique needs and preferences so that we can maximize the chance of success.

To start, Linx cherry picks the clients we feel we can really help, and weeks of work goes in behind-the-scenes to get to know the client on a much deeper level before any matchmaking even takes place. I think one of the things I love most about running Linx is this huge “discovery process” and the unexpected twists and turns that it can take. Many matchmakers stick to doing a Zoom session to onboard a new client. I not only typically do this early work in person, but further request that my client open his/her inner world to me (and often my team) to help give me critical insights, a backstory, and facts that I would never know if we were not to fully immerse. For example, I regularly visit a client’s home and workplace if welcomed and appropriate, favorite hangout spots, and even speak to their close circle of friends and community of supporters to glean a broader perspective as I collect data.

In fact, in the last 7 days, I have chatted for 3 hours in one of my new VIP client’s living room, with three of her best friends, enjoyed meals together with her, walked through her homes to garner more information, all with the intention to pick up on the nuances, the grey zones, and to see if I can come up with any epiphanies along the way. Moreover, as I have moved past the initial in-person, I have done multiple follow-up Zoom calls with additional close friends and colleagues of hers from around the world.

These deep dive immersions are spectacular. They are like a flower that begins to open up and bloom. The client feels excited when he/she sees my eyes light up and realizes that my team is getting multiple steps closer to isolating the “the type” of person he/she needs, and to also be mindful of what is NOT a fit.

At Linx, not only do we work on this “discovery” process which is light years ahead of the current standard in the matchmaking industry; we prep the client for the dating world via the right photography, wardrobe, and any other personal life management so that they feel beyond ready, on their game, and can step forward with 100% with a confident stride and major pep in their step.

All of these elements I have mentioned here also play the additional role of building further trust with the client. As I reflect back on many clients (VIP and other) over the years, although the initial connection was likely made when they began to “know of me” over the years by attending my events or reading about my business on the periphery, the growth of our working relationship accelerated once they were ready to become a client and we began spending considerable time together over meals, conversations, and getting more and more comfortable each time.

This is a huge investment of time, emotion, energy, and money for a prospective client and definitely not for everyone. It’s not like waving a wand, doing a quick Zoom, and boom, someone is a new client. As I hope you can now see, these relationships take time to nurture and require patience and commitment.

Then again, a potential client is looking to make some of the most important decisions in his/her life – whom to marry and potentially with whom to have children… and any process around those kinds of decisions should not be taken lightly.

While this matchmaking methodology is not for the faint of heart, for the handful of golden clients who decide that it is, we treasure, and take great care in guiding, them every step of the way until they reach the finish line.