The Power of a Strong Network

By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating

“Your network is your net worth.” – Porter Gale, author and former VP of Marketing at Virgin America

In the professional world, we often talk about the importance of building a strong network for career growth, new opportunities, and personal development. But, sometimes, the connections we make can lead to something even more extraordinary—finding a life partner.

I recently witnessed a beautiful example of this when two incredible individuals, each with their own goals and dreams, crossed paths through my network.

Several years ago, my friend and fellow matchmaker, Shannon Lundgren of Shannon’s Circle reached out to me, wondering if I had any potential matches for her client Douglas and went on to share his ideal match criteria with me.  

Remarkably, a name popped into my head - Peggy - someone whom I had screened as a prospect many years before, who had really made a lasting impression on me.  I remember sitting on the couch with her, feeling her grace, huge heart, gentle spirit and kindness.  I didn’t even need to do a database search because I knew instantly that she would be the one.

Sure enough, I contacted her, found out she was still single, and we proceeded to make the introduction.

What started as a simple connection, for this extraordinary couple, quickly blossomed into something deeper, and today, they stand side by side as partners in life, having tied the

knot here in the Bay Area this last weekend.

This story is a powerful reminder that our networks are more than just career tools; they are communities of people who can bring unexpected joy and fulfillment into our lives.

I will never forget when Peggy brought me a dancing stuffed birthday bear toy for my newborn baby boy all those years ago, soon after I had given birth. It was a token of her appreciation and cemented a lasting, positive impression.

As the great Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

So, to everyone out there building connections, remember—your network might just help you find more than a new job or opportunity. It might help you find the person who will walk beside you on life’s journey. 💍❤️