Three Signs You Have Found Your Soulmate

UpJourney’s Article Written by The Editors, 60+ Signs You’ve Found Your Soulmate features contributions from Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating (Visit UpJourney to view the full article)

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“ There is nothing more exciting than meeting someone you feel could very well be “the one.”

Here are my top three signs that you have found your soul mate:

1. You can count on him

Being able to rely on your partner for support is a big part of a sustainable relationship, and he will want to show you that he can handle one.

  • It’s easy to feel infatuated when everything is going well, but does he have staying power when things get a little complicated?

  • How did he react when you had a blow-up at work? 

  • Was he available when you were sick with a nasty cold?

If he always shows up for you, he’s proving to you he could very well be your soulmate.

2. He makes you feel secure

When a man is seriously interested, he wants to make you feel safe—physically and emotionally. In large crowds, he will help navigate you. If someone appears aggressive, your man is on alert. He’s an extra pair of eyes and ears, making your physical well-being a priority.

You’ll also notice that your man wants you to feel your best. You won’t feel jealous of other women because your man takes time to compliment and remind you of all the reasons you are special, even when you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or are just having a bad day.

3. He takes it slow

Having physical intimacy at the right time becomes the goal. There is no pressure or focus on the sexual aspects of your relationship because he knows that this part will evolve at its own pace.

Men seeking casual flings will put an enormous amount of focus on the physical. Dates may seem rushed or overly casual and may feel more like activities to fill time until it becomes suitable to have intimacy.

How would he respond if you nixed the date without spending the night? If you predict any backlash whatsoever, he’s probably more interested in sexy time than learning about you.

If you are dating someone that checks these three boxes, you’re lucky!

Keep dating them through the seasons (at least one year), and don’t be afraid to have very honest conversations about your personal goals. The right man will listen and pay attention to what you’re saying because he cares.

While it might not be on his exact timeline, he will certainly listen and be mature enough to have transparent conversations about a future with you and what that might look like. ”