By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating
On the seventh day of Linxmas, my matchmaker said to me…Try Something New!
This fall when I was in Mexico at a Matchmakers’ conference, I totally stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried something new! I did an aerial trapeze and although I looked like a total buffoon and klutz, I was proud of myself for climbing the teetering-towered ladder to get to the platform, and for pushing myself off and swinging high in the sky some 25 feet above the ground. I was terrified, literally laughing and crying all at the same time. While I am not necessarily saying to go find a trapeze this Christmas holiday, I think it’s awesome to try new things, push ourselves out of the comfort zone to experience something new, and see how we feel afterwards. I felt a sense of slight euphoria and that I wanted “more” of that same feeling. What else could I do to push myself out of my typical routine? It’s great for self-growth and a cool story for when you’re on your dates to talk about ways you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone and what you learned from those experiences.