On The Third Day of Linxmas...

By Amy Andersen, Founder and CEO of Linx Dating

On the third day of Linxmas, my matchmaker said to me…Flirt!

Silicon Valley, the land of techies, often means over-analysis, stiff body language, talk of work 24/7, and not being in the present moment. Flirting is about leaning into a playful side and not being so overly cautious about “what to do next”, “how to act”, or “what to say.”

There is a certain “je ne sais quoi” appeal to someone who flirts. Have you ever seen a young or frankly old French couple sitting in a café over afternoon coffees or evening drinks? They are laughing, leaning into the conversation (literally and figuratively with inviting body language), there is a ‘carefreeness,’ a sensuality and, back to day one, a confidence too about not really giving a f*ck about things. They are who they are and they are proud of that, and their ability to flirt and be light like a feather is what makes this sort of person appealing.  Be less robotic this holiday season and remember to have fun!