All Linx memberships are completely customized to fit the needs of our clients, and all Linx contracts are two years (24 months) in duration.  Contracts can be frozen as many times as the client would like, for up to a total of four (4) months, making each contract a potential 28-month relationship with Linx.  Though it is very common that we rescale down a membership (in both size and price) we do have a few standard packages, as well as one age-specific option.  These standard memberships only apply to matches made to other clients already in the Linx database.  Recruiting matches or searching outside of the local geographic area would require engaging Linx at the VIP level of membership.

Our time, energy, and focus is always directed toward the premium client of Linx. Those individuals who become premium clients of Linx go through an extensive screening (typically an in-person meet & greet followed by another in-person interview) and complete homework involved to ensure that we have the exact metrics to best match him. Our premium clients seek to have the exact same success in their personal lives that they have had in their professional lives. If you are not in a position to be able to afford to become a premium client, we also offer a program for those who are either under 30 years old, or who qualify to meet an already existing Linx VIP client. 


This membership option is only available on a case-by-case basis for men. A match applicant is in the network for 24 months with the possibility of being matched to passive and premium client members when appropriate, is invited to our Linx events, and will benefit from light on-going date advice from staff. Although this type of client will not complete the lengthier application for membership, we would still require some homework to participate and an in-person screening or, if you are out of the area, we will arrange for a Zoom session. To clarify, this is an extremely passive affiliation and this level does not mean you are a client of Linx with member privileges and there are no guaranteed introductions with this level of membership. We generally offer this level to men who could be an excellent match for some of our existing members.

There are no upfront fees for Match Applicants. Instead, Match Applicants agree to pay based on benchmarks of success such as if/when they become exclusive with a Linx match, if/when they get become engaged to their Linx match, and finally if/when they get married to their Linx match. This bonus system allows us to waive all up front fees for qualifying Match Applicants. In order to increase the odds of being matched, it’s critical to cast a wide net pertaining to the ‘ideal match’ and not be restrictive with criteria. The more open-minded a Match Applicant is, the greater chances of being considered for an introduction.

Premium Silver Membership

This package includes a guaranteed 6-8 introductions over two years. With this membership, we will start by sourcing candidates within our extensive database of vetted members - both premium and “passive" clients. If needed, this membership will also include some very light outbound recruitment of viable candidates. We will effectively leverage the Linx brand through professional and social media platforms as a way to reach out to key individuals. Once the guaranteed number of introductions have been made, matches may then occur on a more opportunistic basis for the duration of the contract, should the client wish. The client may also renew for more guaranteed matches, if needed, and also subject to availability.

Premium Platinum Membership

This package includes a guaranteed 8-10 introductions over two years as well as concierge services (e.g., light date coaching along the client journey and dinner reservations.) With this membership, we will start by sourcing candidates within our extensive database of vetted members - both premium and “passive" clients. If needed, this membership will also include some very light outbound recruitment of viable candidates. We will effectively leverage the Linx brand through professional and social media platforms as a way to reach out to key individuals. Once the guaranteed number of introductions have been made, matches may then occur on a more opportunistic basis for the duration of the contract, should the client wish. The client may also renew for more guaranteed matches, if needed, and also subject to availability.

Concierge Services

Our concierge services include a wide variety of services based on the individual needs of our clients.  They include:

  • Wardrobe Styling

  • Customized Date Coaching

  • Restaurant/Travel Arrangements

  • Flower Delivery

  • Gift Shopping

  • Proposal Planning

  • and more…